3 Super Simple Ways to Use Tell-A-Friend to Build Your List Fast ECommerce Articles | November 21 Al Horford City Edition Jersey , 2005 Everyone prefers getting a recommendation for a product or a service. It means they don't have to do the research themselves, or find out whether or not it's for them through trial and error, shoulder...
Everyone prefers getting a recommendation for a product or a service. It means they don't have to do the research themselves, or find out whether or not it's for them through trial and error Ben Simmons City Edition Jersey , shouldering all the risk. For example, if you're looking for a good dentist, you're more likely to ask someone you know and trust who they go to before you'll look one up online or in the yellow pages, right?The same goes for your business. And you'll get HIGHER QUALITY clients and customers through referrals than any other method. So here are three super simple ways for you to help your current clients and customers tell others about you using the Tell-A-Friend strategy.
1. Simply add a sentence or two to the bottom of each issue of your ezine or any other freebie offering (pink spoon) you have. Something like:
We grow by recommendation! If you enjoyed this issue Josh Richardson City Edition Jersey , we'd love it if you'd pass the word. Do so by forwarding this to a friend and inviting them to subscribe at the link (abovebelow).
You can embellish or simplify this according to your personality. See my own wording at the bottom of this ezine.
2. Put a Tell-A-Friend (TAF) feature on your sign-up thank you page.
A formal Tell-A-Friend software can help you make it super simple for people to tell a friend about you and your product or service. Some shopping cart systems and web hosts offer this feature, so be sure to check yours and start utilizing it now to help build your list.
If your current vendors don't offer this feature, I highly recommend TAFPro for this. This software has a one-time only fee (it's inexpensive), plus a very reasonable installation charge if you need help from the very customer service friendly Paul Galloway Allen Iverson City Edition Jersey , the owner.
To see an example of this in action, visit my 'thank you' page for signing up for this ezine at: http:www.clientabundancethankyou Just so you know, though, TAFPro doesn't work with websites that are hosted with GoDaddy. As an alternate for GoDaddy users Joel Embiid City Edition Jersey , you can try Will Master Craig's CGI script at: http:willmastermasterrecommendproindex.shtml If you don't already have technical support of your own, Will Master will install it for you. I haven't used his script myself, so you might want to ask around about it a bit first.
(3) Having installed a Tell-A-Friend module, use it to implement a contest with prizes.
Using any of the Tell-A-Friend module Tobias Harris City Edition Jersey , you can easily take the next step and use the contest management feature in the software and create a contest page to send out to your existing subscriber list. To see an example of what I mean, visit: http:www.clientabundancecontestexample.htm (note: this contest is NOT running - at least not yet... :) It's just an example.)
Obviously, you'll want to tailor this page to your own needs and brand but it should give you an idea of how the Tell-A-Friend module can really encourage people to point others in your direction.
Referrals are usually more qualified prospects for your funnel, which is exactly what you want. Pick one of the techniques of using the Tell-A-Friend module and implement it in your business today.
Article Tags: Super Simple Ways Cheap Al Horford Jersey , Super Simple, Simple Ways, Tell-a-friend Module
Why Dr Sumita Sofat Hospital Is First Choice For Patients Belonging To Chandigarh Health Articles | October 8, 2016
IVF treatment is the lab procedure for making dream come true of many helpless couples that are longing for their own baby due to infertility issues.
During the IVF treatment unlike the natural conception Cheap Ben Simmons Jersey , male sperms and the eggs meet in the cultured dish under the controlled conditions of lab that mimic the conditions of womb. This treatment can work even for the couples having age more than 40, females with blockage of fallopian tubes, PCOS women and even the couples with undefined infertility issue can also get successful pregnancy.
But the treatment can work better if it has been taken from the best center and best IVF doctor. It is the prime reason that Dr. Sumita Sofat hospital is preferred by the patients of Chandigarh.
Why Dr. Sumita Sofat hospital?
Sofat is the renowned IVF center worldwide and it has the chain of patients from the Chandigarh that knock its door for infertility treatment for the following reasons
Experienced Doctor
Dr. Sumita Sofat is the qualified and specialist doctor of IVF. She has the super specialty in the infertility treatments. Her experience of more than 20 years adds feather to the cap and she performs the procedure with determination and dedication with an urge to provide best to the patients by keeping their safety at the upper end.
State of Art
Dr. Sumita performs the IVF treatment with the state of art that reduces the potential risks of the procedure and boost the success ratio for the center.
Advanced technologies
Dr. Sofat is pioneer in providing IVF treatment with the advanced and world proven techniques that maximizes her success for giving way to the desperate parents for having their own child. Lab conditions under the Em Cell closed chamber higher the quality of egg and even retain its quality till its fertilization and embryo transfer. This conditions that mimic the womb of mother higher the chances of conception with IVF.