Human beings love companionship and freedom. The worst life experience a human being can go through is being caged up and alone. There is not much difference between animals and people. The behavior of pets has been studied before and it is now a known fact that pet need attention and love. These are some things that we cannot provide all the time especially when we are at work. This is where Sitter4Paws pet services comes in. this is an enterprise based solely on looking after your pets especially when you are not there to do it yourself. There is no limit to the types of pets we look after , whether dogs, cats, birds or even hamsters
Pet services provided include pet sitting. Pet sitting can be simply defined as the act of looking after pets for pet owners especially when they are busy or not at home. Hiring pet sitting services will ensure that your pets proper care as well as the much needed attention. There may be other special needs that your pets may require like when they are not in good health. Imagine if you left your dog alone whilst you are at work and it starts howling until you come back home. It is guaranteed that your neighbors will not like that one bit. There is no need to take your pet to the pet service providers, Sitter4Paws will come to you. This means your pet will be taken care of in familiar surroundings.
Boarding is another service that is provided. When you are away from home for longer periods of time, you no longer have to worry about your pets back home. At much as you would like your pet to go with you Wholesale Nike Shoes , you can't fly with it. No more boarding kennels for your dogs. You can make arrangements with us. We will make sure that your pet is fed and the litter is removed. If you have a dog, then it will require some exercise and dog walks are the best. If the pet gets a health problem, a pet sitter can take it to the vet clinic. You won't find your pet sick and alone when you come back.
If your pet behaves badly, chewing the cushions and urinating in the house, then it is in dire need of training. There is no task big or small in training animals. What pet owners will be surprised to know is that the trainer is two way. That means not only does the pet undergo training Cheap Nike Shoes On Sale , but the owner itself. The pet owner has to also learn how to make the pet obey instructions without seemly to be harsh and commanding. Some pets are like teenagers, they need special handling.
With proper care, your pets will be happier and healthier. Unlike boarding kennels which are very expensive, Sitter4Paws will not chew holes in your pockets. Your pets will enjoy home care better than when they are in unfamiliar surroundings. My table-mates introduced themselves as the reciprocal protocol began. We chatted about what we did, where we did it and what we thought of the conference. Stan joined the table as the chicken was served. He'd been introduced to me earlier and we'd talked briefly during the pre-dinner social. Now he was peppering me with intriguing business questions. This was going to be a lively and interesting discussion Cheap Nike Shoes Free Shipping , I thought.
But my hopes vanished faster than an ice cube melting in the desert. I realized Stan wasn't listening. He didn't care what I had to say; he was waiting for his turn to talk. And talk he did, monopolizing the table's conversation with his back-patting soliloquy.
That experience got me thinking. My hopes had been raised believing that someone asking thoughtful questions might be interested in the answers. But that's a rare find in this too-busy-to-listen world. We're too busy answering our cell phones, checking our BlackBerries, and posting our instant messages. We're so busy communicating that we fail to communicate. We think because we said something, it was understood. We confuse communicating with understanding Cheap Nike Shoes Wholesale , and silence with listening.
But the absence of talking is not necessarily listening. Real listening requires focused attention and a quiet mind. It's deep, not surface. You do it to understand, not so you can talk when someone pauses. Deep listening comes from the heart, as well as the head.
Deep listeners ignite ideas, influence outcomes and build relationships. They're wonderful to be around. There are few behaviors more powerful in the workplace than receiving someone's focused attention on what you're saying. It makes you feel valued and respected because it's clear that what you have to say matters to them. Deep listeners create dialogues Cheap Nike Shoes From China , encourage thoughtful exchanges and enhance creativity. They also build their careers.
I learned to deepen my listening skills by using a technique called reflective summary. So for example, if I said to you, "I had a flat tire on the way to work and missed my boss's meeting," the typical response might be, "Yeah Cheap Nike Shoes Online , I had a tough morning, too." Or you might share a similar experience. But a reflective summary statement summarizes your understanding of what it is I said. So, you might respond, "You're concerned you missed your boss's meeting?" If you summarized my message correctly then I'd continue with my concerns. If not, I'd clarify. Either way Cheap Nike Shoes , we'd improve our communication.
So, here's my bottom-line advice after twenty years in management. If you want to be winning at working, develop deep listening skills. You see, people who are winning at working know they learn more by listening than talking; persuade more by understanding than arguing; and problem-solve more by asking than telling. People who are winning at working have discovered the power of listening.